Best South Park Ornament Sets


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Best South Park Ornament Sets

The following are the best South Park ornament sets I would like to put up on my Christmas tree this year. They look super nice and adorable.

My hubby will be very surprised to find these ornaments on our Christmas tree. Not to mention we will have a nice laugh when we are thinking of this show.

My kids will like it as well even though they are not old enough to watch this show. This set actually has a Christmas theme.

I love the expressions on their faces. Stan and Cartman look surprised. I find Butter’s hair looks like a star. I is kind of funny.

Who is your favorite character in South Park, the tv show? Perhaps Mr. Hankey? LOL……..

Anyway, these items are made out of plastic and the set comes with five of them. The measurements are about 2.5 inches tall. So they will be the right size for hanging on the tree.

Here is another set I found that looks to be pretty good. This one only comes with 4 in a set and as you can see it is without Chef in it.

Cartman is looking pretty cool being Santa Claus holding a bell in a red color suit. The white beard looks kind of funny on Cartman, but you know the beard looks a little more realistic for being Santa right?

This set is also made with resin materials and the size is about 2.8 to 3 inches tall.

Both sets have very high ratings by people who bought them. In terms of price it is pretty reasonable at the time of writing this article.

I might ending up buying both sets since I can’t really decide which one to go with. I might ask my kids to decide on which set to keep and give the other set away as a Christmas gift to my relative who love South Park.

Care to share which sets you are voting for in the comment section? The 5 pieces or the 4 pieces?

Sorry, the second South Park Ornament Set designs are NOT available for sale. If you like you can get the following South Park ornament set by clicking here. This set looks nice too.